Wellness Essentials

  1. 7 Potential Signs of Infertility

    Signs of Infertility

    7 Potential Signs of Infertility

    Supporting your patients physically and emotionally is paramount in managing their overall health, especially reproductive well-being. In this guide, we explore seven potential factors/signs of infertility, including often-overlooked environmental factors that may be passively contributing to reproductive health challenges, and how you can monitor and provide guidance for their health management.

  2. Premier Magnesium Glycinate – A Whole-Body Wellness Essential

    Magnesium Blog

    Premier Magnesium Glycinate – A Whole-Body Wellness Essential

    Emerging research suggests that magnesium is critical to maintaining necessary physiological processes and healthy mental state.  It is estimated that between 56% - 68% of Americans do not obtain, nor absorb enough magnesium in their diet daily to meet the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 300-400 mg.

  3. Ending the Cycle of Chronic Stress: Natural Ways to Reduce Cortisol

    Stress Awareness

    Ending the Cycle of Chronic Stress: Natural Ways to Reduce Cortisol

    Learn six natural ways to help your patients reduce their cortisol levels

    Elevated cortisol and chronic stress are unfortunately a fact of life for many people. Breaking this cycle can be challenging, and for healthcare practitioners starts with patient conversations about the real-life consequences of chronic stress. The good news is there are accessible ways for everyone to naturally reduce their cortisol levels.   

  4. A Guide to Plant-Based Diets

    A Guide to Plant-Based Diets | Premier Research Labs

    A Guide to Plant-Based Diets

    Answers to common patient questions about plant-based diets

    Research underscores the short- and long-term benefits of eating a whole-foods plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean protein, healthy fats, and minimally processed foods. Use this guide to plant-based diets to start a conversation with your patients about the benefits and how-to’s of plant-based eating.

  5. Introducing Premier Aloe Powder

    Introducing Premier Aloe Powder

    Introducing Premier Aloe Powder

    Premier Research Labs is pleased to be able to bring you our latest cutting-edge nutritional supplement: Premier Aloe Powder. This product leverages both aloe vera gel’s long history as a safe and effective traditional medicine and state-of-the-art processing technology to bring you a formulation that is unmatched in potency, effectiveness, and taste.

  6. Helping People Choose the Best Foods for Heart Health

    Helping People Choose the Best Foods for Heart Health

    Helping People Choose the Best Foods for Heart Health

    Guide your patients in making heart-healthy food choices 

  7. Teaching Your Patients Natural Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure

    Teaching Your Patients Natural Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure

    Teaching Your Patients Natural Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure

    If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. Based on the Life’s Essential 8 guidelines from the American Heart Association, it’s time to talk to your patients about these lifestyle strategies to help them naturally reduce their blood pressure. 

  8. From Blues to Brightness: Understanding and Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder

    From Blues to Brightness: Understanding and Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder

    From Blues to Brightness: Understanding and Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Learn about seasonal affective disorder (SAD) including its causes, symptoms, and possible treatment options to help your patients.

  9. Four Delicious Ways to Enhance Health and Longevity Daily

    Four Delicious Ways to Enhance Health and Longevity Daily

    Four Delicious Ways to Enhance Health and Longevity Daily

    Now more than ever, busy lives and demanding schedules make it difficult to find efficient, yet nourishing ways to maintain and optimize individual health. Rise and shine, another day at the grind, and what do most of us reach for to kickstart the day? Coffee. If you are among the 75% of Americans who are daily coffee drinkers, there is extensive evidence that this daily ritual has more to offer than its stimulating, energizing properties. In this blog article, we will explore the link between coffee and longevity and how your cup of coffee can be a vehicle for a variety of functional food stir-ins. Have I piqued your interest? Great! Grab that cup of organic, fair-trade medium-roasted coffee, and let’s explore four delicious ways to enhance health and longevity every morning with some of Premier Research Labs’ functional food products. 

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